Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

PDF Download Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow

PDF Download Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow

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Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow

Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow

Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow

PDF Download Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow

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Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow

About the Author

Richard Pilbrow first made his mark at Olivier's National Theatre, lighting shows such as the first Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. He revolutionised stage lighting in Britain, designing the system for the new National and setting up Theatre Projects, the first independent lighting and sound design and theatre design consultancy company in the UK, now active internationally. He has been a consultant for theatres and concert halls in over 80 countries.

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Product details

Paperback: 528 pages

Publisher: By Design Pr (April 30, 2000)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0896762351

ISBN-13: 978-0896762350

Product Dimensions:

8 x 1.2 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

6 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#888,900 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Good read especially for anyone in the industry.

The key book to have for Tech Theater buffs.

Another person reviewed this book complaining that it wasn't effective because it didn't have an abundance of color photographs. He missed the mark big time! This isn't a book on lighting for photography, it's a book on lighting for the eye and a theatrical experience, two different things. A static photo doesn't give you the interaction with how the cue ran, what the actors are doing, how the audience is supposed to feel. The photo whould just be a picture of a person in a light and convey nothing.True, the end product of lighting design is a visual medium, but the means of getting there are purely cerebral.Lighting designs are drawn in black and white based on theory, knowledge, practical experience and the ability to visualize. This is a book on theory and knowledge culled from Pilbrow's extensive experience.If you want to approach lighting design like a cake recipe or an auto repair manual then this is the wrong book for you and probably the wrong career.If you are dedicated to your craft, want to add to your knowledge base and get more out of your work experience, buy this book. Reading this book is like sitting down with Pilbrow and asking him how he did this or that and why. As your career grows, you will find yourself rereading passages of this and getting more out of it each time.

This is the only book on Stage Lighting that I've come across that covers the whole spectrum of the possiblities of lighting. Mr. Pilbrow covers the range of knowledge you must have to be an effective designer -- everything from how to setup your paperwork and reports to the most esoteric of design concepts. My personal favorite couple of lines talks briefly on how you have to think about where to position the light board during rehearsals to either be in the middle of or to get away from the political center of power. There is no other author out there that can speak clearly about the evolution of lighting from oil lamp to Vari-Lite. Basically, living the life of a true designer is all about collecting visuals and techniques that intrigue and excite us and using and reinterpreting those ideas through our own personalities. With Mr. Pilbrow's book, you will never find a more comprehensive single source of those lighting ideas and techniques. Don't read the book because you have to. Read the book because it will make you a better designer.

This book helped me make the decision to go for lighing design as a career .... the first half has the info most of us in the industry have picked up on stage but orders it very well, the second has many wonderful anechdotes from his and many others careers. Its the only lighing book I have found that one can enjoy reading again and again.

When I was 12 years old a family friend lent me her copy from a course she took. Honestly it was a bit opaque to my young mind but it made me ask more questions. I lit few more shows within the limits of my schools and then it all opened up. From that point onward I pursued a career in lighting which I am still in 40 years later. The book has been updated many times since the early 70's and each time it evolved into something better. One the other reviewer mentions theory and inspiration and I still use ideas laid out in this book in my professional practice today.

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Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow PDF

Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow PDF

Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow PDF
Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life, by Richard Pilbrow PDF

Ebook Download Strategic Issues Management: Organizations and Public Policy ChallengesBy Robert L. Heath, Michael J. Palenchar

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Strategic Issues Management: Organizations and Public Policy ChallengesBy Robert L. Heath, Michael J. Palenchar

Strategic Issues Management explores the strategic planning options that organizations can employ to address crucial public policy issues, engage in collaborative decision making, get the organization's "house" in order, engage in tough defense and smart offense, and monitor opinion changes that affect public policy. In this fully updated Second Edition, authors Robert L. Heath and Michael J. Palenchar offer practical, actionable guidance that readers can apply to organizations from large Fortune 500 companies to nongovernmental organizations and start-up high tech companies.

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1127621 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2008-09-23
  • Released on: 2013-01-10
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author

Robert L. Heath, professor emeritus of communication at the University of Houston, is an internationally recognized authority on public relations, crisis communication, issues management, risk communication, and business-to-business communication. He has published many award-winning books, including The SAGE Handbook of Public Relations (2010), Handbook of Risk and Crisis Communication (2009), Strategic Issues Management (2nd ed., 2009), Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations II (2009), and Terrorism: Communication and Rhetorical Perspectives (2008).

Heath has 3 decades' experience in corporate communication and positioning research. He has conducted research on risks related to various hazards, including those associated with chemical manufacturing and community right-to-know―key themes in community relations. In addition, he has published more than 100 chapters and articles and serves on the editorial and reviewer panels of several premier academic journals. He has received many honors from public relations professionals and academic associations and has lectured nationally and internationally on a wide array of topics.

Michael J. Palenchar is an assistant professor in public relations at The University of Tennessee’s School of Advertising and Public Relations, College of Communication and Information (Ph. D., University of Florida; M.A., University of Houston). Research interests include risk communication and issues management related to manufacturing, community relations and community awareness of emergency response protocols and manufacturing risks, community right to know issues, crisis communication, front groups and general public relations. He has more than a decade of professional experience working in corporate, non-profit and agency, as well as a risk communication and issues management research consultant for clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to local government agencies to nongovernmental agencies. His research has been published in the Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Public Relations Journal, Environmental Communication and Communication Research Reports. He has five book chapters on risk, terrorism and professional ethics and more than 40 regional, national or international communication conference papers, winning 12 national or international top paper awards. With co-author Robert L. Heath in 2000 and Kathy Fitzpatrick in 2007, he won the Pride Award from the Public Relations Division, National Communication Association, for top published article in the field of public relations. He is an active member of AEJMC, NCA, PRSA, and ICA.

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Strategic Issues Management: Organizations and Public Policy ChallengesBy Robert L. Heath, Michael J. Palenchar PDF

Strategic Issues Management: Organizations and Public Policy ChallengesBy Robert L. Heath, Michael J. Palenchar PDF
Strategic Issues Management: Organizations and Public Policy ChallengesBy Robert L. Heath, Michael J. Palenchar PDF

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

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