Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Free Download , by Herb Powell

Free Download , by Herb Powell

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, by Herb Powell

, by Herb Powell

, by Herb Powell

Free Download , by Herb Powell

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, by Herb Powell

Product details

File Size: 8271 KB

Print Length: 405 pages

Publisher: Amistad (September 13, 2016)

Publication Date: September 13, 2016

Sold by: HarperCollins Publishers

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#279,031 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I have always loved EW&F it was a part of my childhood, my mother always played their records and when I became an adult I have collected all of their songs. Maurice White had always been a mystery to me, but for some reason I felt if I could ever meet him he would instill in me so many spiritual truths that I had questions about.This book was beautifully written and I binge read it for 2 days straight. After reading this, I felt like I really got to know the real Maurice White. He was a positively beautiful man inside and out.This book is a must read for all diehard EW&F fans. You really feel like you are on the sidelines looking into Maurice White and EW&F's life. You really see and feel all the ups and downs and victories of the band. You even feel all the emotions of Maurice White as he created his "baby" EW&F. I loved this book. I feel inspired by it . I read this book for a reason, it came to me at the right time in my life. I will forever miss Maurice White, he was someone I wish I could've had deep conversations with, he always kept his head to the sky.

I will begin my review by admitting that I am about as biased as any reader can get. Earth Wind and Fire could not find a bigger fan than I am (maybe equal but not greater). Thanks to my late mother (the 2nd biggest fan), their music has been a part of the soundtrack of my life for 42 of the 47 years I've been on the planet. I don't remember a time when their music wasn't a part of my life. To this very minute, if you look at my Top 25 songs on my iPod, at least 10+ of those songs will be by Earth Wind and Fire. So, needless to say, I gobbled up this book. Read every word in two days. I wanted to find out more about the creative genius that helped create the group that would influence my musical tastes for as long as I can remember--and I got that and so much more. I was inspired, I was energized, I was educated...and I was INSPIRED (bears repeating). I enjoyed understanding the backstory, the relationships, and the spiritual and musical foundations. As a person, Maurice reminded me of myself in so many ways -- a driven introvert who gets lost in the creativity and art and is forced to deal with the business...but finds the balance, somehow. I loved every minute spent with this book and I cried like a baby at the end. Just because losing him feels like losing family and the hurt from his death, compounded by so many other greats this year, felt raw and fresh again. Even with that, I highly recommend this read for EWF fans everywhere.

What a man and what a surprising story. A tragic start being left alone by his mom at 5....then goes on to touch millions with his love and his incredible acumen for creating the most amazing music ever. Having first discovered EWF in the early 70s then falling in love with them with All n All and beyond, it was wonderful hearing the backstory in Maurice's own words. How a man with such a tough beginning could "turn it into something good" in such a huge way is inspiring. I believe it was his severe life challenges as a little boy that drove him in such a magnificent way to pouring his heart and soul into music. He was relentless and the product proves it. It wasn't so much Maurice the musician as it was Maurice the passionate orchestrator/the uber-focused band leader, that made EWF such a force from 1975-83 (often to his great personal sacrifice/burden). Their greatness hit the top-40 standards for a few years, but their message lives on far beyond that fickle metric. Indeed FACES which had poor commercial/critical success, I personally find EXTRAORDINARY -- as do many EWF fans. Anyway, this was a pleasure to read, the detailed personal account from a very private man; it was loving of him to share with us, the people who were/are so profoundly touched by his message and his music. I hope ultimately that he fully understood the profound effect of the love he channeled to so many, for that I hope he has an eternal reward. Miss you Reece, wish I knew you as a friend.

I was on board with EWF from their inception and thought that I knew the whole encyclopedia on the band. You can't be a Earth,Wind and Fire fan and not know that they..Maurice were in tune with a higher spiritual plane and was always bringing you along for the ride. I have nearly all LPs in original wax and the last as CD's. The book put a lot of songs into perfect perspective. As a fan I'm glad I have this last album to close out my collection. Phil, Verdine and Al are still out there affirming fans and creating new ones. To all EWF fans, continue to live in the beautiful spirit and love of the music. The book is essential reading.

We really lost a treasure when Maurice White passed. The book gives insight on his life and how his experiences shaped the elements Earth Wind & Fire. As a child he experienced racism and colorism. His biological mom wasn't able to care for him so she left him with a woman who took care of him for several years. I admire that as a teenager and young man he understood the importance of taking care of his family and devoted himself to providing black people especially black men with a sense of manhood with dignity through song. He valued his privacy so divulging that he was suffering from Parkinsons Disease was difficult. The author of Herb Powell did an exceptional job in creating Maurice's life story for all to enjoy. The book is truly his "last album" and a touching end to a beautiful soul and powerful legacy. If you are an Earth Wind & Fire fan this book is a must have. THIS BOOK IS EVERYTHING 😍

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