Minggu, 22 April 2018

Ebook Fundamentals of Air Traffic ControlBy Michael S. Nolan

Ebook Fundamentals of Air Traffic ControlBy Michael S. Nolan

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Fundamentals of Air Traffic ControlBy Michael S. Nolan

Fundamentals of Air Traffic ControlBy Michael S. Nolan

Fundamentals of Air Traffic ControlBy Michael S. Nolan

Ebook Fundamentals of Air Traffic ControlBy Michael S. Nolan

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Fundamentals of Air Traffic ControlBy Michael S. Nolan

Appropriate for both future air traffic controllers and for pilots who need a better understanding of the air traffic control system, this text is the only college-level textbook to explain the "hows" and "whys" of the system. Michael Nolan's FUNDAMENTALS OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL presents a history of air traffic control, with a strong emphasis on the logic that has guided its development. He also provides current, in-depth information on such topics as navigational systems, the air traffic control system structure, control tower procedures, radar separation, national airspace system operation, and the FAA's restructuring of hiring procedures. The result is an authoritative text that gives readers a true working knowledge of the system--instead of just asking them to memorize lists of rules and regulations.

  • Sales Rank: #854951 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Brooks Cole
  • Published on: 2003-07-21
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.06" h x 7.64" w x 9.48" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 576 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Michael S. Nolan, a former air traffic controller, teaches aviation courses in the Aviation Technology Department at Purdue University and has taught a variety of aviation courses at the University of Illinois, Chanute Air Force Base and Purdue University. He holds licenses and certification as a commercial pilot, flight instructor, instrument instructor, tower operator, airframe and powerplant mechanic, and aviation weather observer. Mr. Nolan received his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology from Illinois State University and his Master of Science degree in Instructional Development and Educational Computing from Purdue University).

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Fundamentals of Air Traffic ControlBy Michael S. Nolan PDF

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